Sunday, December 25, 2011

How to solve ORA-00845: MEMORY_TARGET not supported on this system having no root access

How to solve ORA-00845: MEMORY_TARGET not supported on this system having no root access

Please do check with oracle online documentation or metalink for further infor.. good to check this before we do anything.. this is my view..

I have got the the ORA-00845: MEMORY_TARGET not supported on this system

I Have no root access.

when i try to start the idle instance..
Oracle Version:
OS: Oracle Linux

sqlplus "/as sysdba"

Connected to an idle instance.

SQL> startup
ORA-00845: MEMORY_TARGET not supported on this system
SQL> exit

I have no root access to run the following statements or have no grant to change /etc/fstab file..

umount tmpfs
mount -t tmpfs shmfs -o size=1500m /dev/shm

what i have done is that i checked if there are any oracle processes are running, my db is down anyway..

ps -elf |grep xxxttdb1 | grep ora_

Note down all the processes ID..
Kill -9 x,x1, x2 ... so on...

kill all the processes ids using kill command .. (db must or should be down before using kill.. if db is up.. one should not run kill command to kill the db processes...)

wait awhile....

the start the db..

sqlplus "/as sysdba"

Database opened.

Check the AMM configuration settings, sga, pga memory settings,..
calculate required memory_target values .. sga+greatest(pga_agg... max pga allocated) ... check with v$sgastat, v$pgastat..

alter system memory_max_Target=xG scope=spfile;
alter system memory_target=yG scope=spfile;

alter system sga=0
alter system pga=0

shut immediate;

it does not mean you should right away start AMM.. check from all aspects and do the as needed...

Good to have: I like to have a pfile all the time no matter whether db is running using spfile or pfile.. no matter what.. having a pfile backup always good..
if we have pfile, we can simply change parameter and start the db when there are issues.... having pfile backup always (db need not use pfile, always good to use spfile)a safe act...

In summary, have a sound full backup all the time..

more to come...

Have a fun .. working with oracle technologies and cheers..

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